Thursday, February 19, 2009

Excuse Me???

I look like Steve Carell but the only thing funny about me is my stupidity

Monday, February 16, 2009

Exactly, Thanks

Don't get cocky though, I still think you're annoying


Sunday, February 15, 2009

People Who Should Go Away

Sorry, I learned my history through the talking points issued to me

Steve Austria, you're an idiot. I guess you didn't get the memo not to get too far ahead of your talking points. I mean, I know as a freshmen you're eager to impress your slave master republican overlords, but come on, at least do your homework first. Then again, I guess party loyalty is more important than facts. Party first, country second.

Truth of the Day

U. S. A.! U. S. A.! U. S. A.!

"Why do Americans love guns so much? If you have a gun you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone."

-Bill Mahr

Party First, Country Second

Mmm, tastes like politics

Change Washington? Good luck, Mr. President. The past couple of weeks have shown me nothing but politics as usual.

It looks like DC is finally getting a vote. Why was this even an issue? The Right can take their phony outrage over the constitutional technicalities of this issue and shove it. No taxation without representation? Ever study history? No? Well, then at least brush up on your American history, please. But get this, this is now only going through because as a deal, Utah gets an extra vote to balance out the left leaning tendencies of the denizens of DC. Are you kidding me? Politics make our system more of a democrazy than a democracy. Party first, country second.

Stimulus bill passed strictly on party lines. 3 Republicans crossed over in the senate and several Democrats voted against it in the house. I have mixed feelings about whether this will work to fix the economy or not, but I have no doubt that politics is being played here. I love these hypocritical Republicans who will vote on principle against the stimulus but then turn around and accept the money for their state. They make it so easy for me to criticize them. I don't even need to be standing from any moral high ground to point out the blatant idiocy here. Party first, values second.

How about the fact that the same Republicans who are criticizing the spending proposed are the same hypocrites who oversaw the largest deficit increase in history? Have these people no shame? I guess not when it comes to party loyalties. These traitors need to be reminded that they work not for their party, but for the country, its people, its values, its ideas, and its future.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

$500K Club

I know you'll find ways around it

This Obama proposal to cap executive salaries at $500 K for those that accept tax payer bailout money is a good idea. Unfortunately, that's all it is: an idea. Without stipulating any harsh consequences for violating this proposal, this idea is your typical first act in political theater: all bark and no bite.

If anything, leave it to the the ingenuity of these greedy mofos to find a way around it.

Back to the drawing board, President Obama.


Qualified man elevated under unfortunate circumstances

First Sarah Palin, now this. The cynicism of the right: Look at us! Us too! No wonder these people just don't f'ing get it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rough Times

Start drinking now, we're gambling away your futures

Attention please, the global economy is tanking, and we're sacrificing the welfare of future generations to save our own.

Wrong approach.

Tough decisions need to be made. We must sacrifice now in order to save the future. This means heavy investment in infrastructure, particularly wireless broadband, green energy, renewable energy, and research and development and various fronts of science and technology.

Two weeks of debates on the economic stimulus package and still we're arguing on what to spend on. Democrats want to waste money to fund their pet social programs while republicans have nothing to offer but whining and more tax cuts. Here's the list of cuts that brought about the current compromise. Some of them makes you smack your forehead and ask why the fu*k was that on there in the first place. Others make you smack your forehead and ask why the fu*k would you cut that. Nothing has changed in Washington.

People Who Should Go Away

Hi, look at me, I'm an idiot

So, Bush's Chief of Staff brought us this piece of gem. You leave a disgraced office with a pass from prosecution from some of the most obscene abuse of executive powers. Most people would breath a sigh of relief given a second chance in life but you just can't let it go. You have to go and make an issue of a non-issue.

First of all, where is this moral high ground from which you preach about preserving the integrity of the constitution? Last I checked, you were neck deep in George W. Bush's administration. Second of all, did sporting a stricter dress code made Bush a more effective president? I like to see a regression of this drawn against decisions like Iraq, Katrina, politicizing of DoJ... just to name a few. Lastly, I'm sorry, but you need to do your homework. Then again your lack of willingness to do your homework before you open your trap explains a lot about your time in the White House.

Kindly STFU and issue an apology for this and your time in the White House, thanks douche bag.