I did my taxes this weekend. Although I hate paying taxes like everyone else, I recognize and appreciate its necessity. I value the things that my taxes that pay for that I take for granted every day: national defense, transportation infrastructure, research and development, etc. etc. At the same time, when people face tough choices between feeding their kids, paying the electric bill, or putting a roof over their heads, its hard not to take the public goods we have for granted. The government's put in a tough bind as well, facing declining revenue but increasing costs. They become reluctant to tax so they borrow like a kid with his first credit card.
I have a solution.
Tax religion. Tax the sh*t out of those thieving, leeching motherfu*kers and we'll be able to pay off our debts and probably have left overs for universal health care, our schools, and repair our crumbling infrastructure.
End solution.
Thank you.