Saturday, November 22, 2008

People Who Should Go Away

The big 3 losers

Obviously, after a week and a half of entertaining other distractions, some catching up is warranted.

I was very angry with the government financial bailout that will end up costing the tax payers well over a trillion dollar. It is no surprise that I am equally upset that the big 3 auto companies fly down to Washington in their corporate private jets to beg congress for a bailout. What is wrong with these people? I have a few ideas.

1. Short memories.
Need I remind you that you spend years lobbying against the interest of the American people. How much money did you pour into lobbying against stricter emissions control? How much money did you pour into lobbying against higher fuel efficiency standards? What do you mean you don't remember that it was your own actions that led to your current predicament?

2. No shame.
Have you no dignity? Have you no shame? Do not frame this issue as essential to saving the common American blue collar worker. Your pretense in the interest of the American people is disingenuous and disgusting. Were you looking out for their interests when you continually lobbied against emission control and fuel efficiency? Oh right, you were making bigger cars because gas was cheap and you were trying to squeeze every penny out of what's left out there before you change for the better. I don't see the plant workers of the Toyota, Honda, Hyundai plants in this country complaining? Gee, I wonder why.

3. Arrogance.
And please, don't claim ignorance, we've known about this since the oil shock of the 70's. I watched you arrogantly testify before congress that this mess is not a fault of yours to bare. The world watched you testify before congress and make a fool of yourself.. You could, in the least, demonstrate some humility.

3. Stupidity.
Look at the trends: Suez, the 1970s, Gulf War I, Gulf War II. Haven't you learned anything from history? No of course not, you were too busy making a buck at the expense of the public.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People Who Should Not Go Away - David Walker

Give this man his old job back, please, Mr. Obama

The founding fathers were so concerned with the debt incurred from the Revolutionary War that they acted to pay it down. By 1830, we were debt free. That was the only time in American history that it happened.

Our current debt stands at 11 something trillion. If you included off the books, yet to be funded projects, that number balloons to 50 trillion dollars. Imagine having a credit card debt that's is approximately 20 times your annual salary. Crazy.

Spending became out of control in the 80s. The financial crisis of today came from the habits we developed in the 80s under the joke that is Reaganomics: the nonsensical combination of supply side economics and trickle down economic theory. We shifted from a heavy manufacturing based economy to an economy based in financial services; meaning, instead of producing goods that are worth something tangible, we've shifted to producing goods that are only worth something on paper. Crazy.

9/11. Afghanistan. Iraq. To calm the public from our worries abroad, Bush encouraged us to go shopping. In the midst of this increased spending, Bush enacted 3 major tax cuts . The feds cut interest rates God knows how many times to make credit easily accessible. Presented with these conditions, it is easy for a consumer society to be tempted by the basic human trait of greed. Instead of asking the public to take its part in financing its debt, we started to shift that abroad, much of it to China. Crazy.

Our leaders don't have the guts to ask the American people to sacrifice now to secure our future. They're more concerned about holding on to their positions by playing to the desires of a consumer society. My father taught me fiscal responsibility. I don't have credit card debts. I took on student loans that I am paying off. My next vehicle and house will be reasonably within my financial means to pay off as I meet my other day to day financial obligations. Other than major life investments, I avoid buying things I cannot afford at that given moment.

Borrow and spend is an idiotic idea and the leaders that embraced this idea obviously didn't have a dad that taught them the same basics of financial responsibility that my father did. That, or the lesson just didn't stick for them. Either or, these leaders should not be our leaders. We all hate taxes, but it disciplines us, our leaders, and our government to practice fiscal responsibility. Paying taxes is patriotic. Sacrificing now to secure our future is patriotic. I am patriotic. You should be too.

Monday, November 10, 2008

People Who Should Go Away- Bill Kristol

I find your lack of hate disturbing

How delusional must you be to be in such deep denial is beyond me. Your obsessive need to defend the indefensible must be the manifestation of some unnamed psychological disorder. Either that or your just a pathological liar. Whichever the case, you're a nut case.

Your pet project, Sarah Palin proved herself an idiot. You didn't go away and you kept defending her.

Your father's legacy, the neoconservative ideology, fell apart and left a disastrous stain on American history . You didn't go away and you kept defending it.

Now, you want to revive the Project for the New American Century? What for? So we can invade Iran for some cooked up reason for another senseless war? Quit hiding behind your phony patriotism and just quietly fade into obscurity. You're irrelevant. You're a has been who actually never was. You've done enough damage for this American century and we're only 9 years in. Please just go away and be grateful that we can't try you for treason.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

State of the Union

'Nuff said?

There's so much to be done.

The economy has been such an overwhelming concern that it has drowned everything else into this amorphous cloud of "other issues" that doesn't get as much coverage.

Pakistan is a complete mess, but we're not hearing too much on it.

Russia wants to play tough guy while the U.S. is distracted domestically by economic instability.

Still, no body gives 2 sh*ts about Africa, but at least we have someone in the White House who knows its a continent, not a country.

The clusterfu*k that is the Middle East

And seriously, what are we going to do about Afghanistan?

Yes, I know and I get it: it's the economy, stupid. But after the past 8 years, it is clear that there are many more issues than just the economy that will test America now and determine our global, collective future. Let's close the chapter on the Bush administration for now. The fight for our future is about the begin.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When the Ship Sinks, the Rats run for the Lifeboats

Judgment has come

Now that the historic implications of Obama's ascension to the presidency is clearly reflected by an inspired and moved public, those that who campaigned most negatively against him are now cheering him along as his most enthusiastic cheerleaders. These people, namely Palin, Kristol, Bachmann, Lierberman, Rove, Fox News, demonstrate their complete detachment from reality by talking from their mouths as if they've forgotten that they've said the complete opposite out of their asses just weeks before. What more proof do we need that these people are not public figures interested in the public good, but rather propagandists interested in advocating for nothing but their self interests? Have these people no shame and no dignity?

McCain's concession speech is another example of this simultaneously walking both ways of a two way street nonsense. He displayed the grace and poise that the 2000 McCain commanded as a maverick. The McCain on that podium was not the same McCain that I got to know during this campaign. So which one is the real one? The one I would've voted for had he been the one to run against Gore in 2000? Or the recklessly ambitious one who sold his dignity in an all out, anything goes, effort to win the presidency?

Thursday, November 6, 2008



The scariest thing about the recent revelations we are learning about Palin, post elections, is not that she didn't know that Africa is a continent and not a country. In fact, there were many early signal that affirmed her failure to meet presidential requirements on foreign policy, the economy, and civil government functions. So, if anything, this whole Africa thing is just the comedic cherry on top of everything people already knew about her. No, the scariest thing about Sarah Palin turned out to be her handlers and the campaign movement that was trying to get her into office.

Things have turned ugly with the campaign cannibalizing itself. What is troubling is that Palin's handlers knew, and knew early on, that she was not qualified for the office she was running. Yet they continued to champion her qualifications under the banner of "country first". This insincerity and disingenuous is almost treasonous, is it not? We ought to be outraged that these people knowingly put the country in danger. There was a steady period of weeks before the financial and credit calamity when a President Palin didn't seem all too unlikely. Dare we imagine what kind of disaster that would have been? Ironic that we were so convincingly saved from complete political disaster by an economic disaster.

The other scary thing is that people are still defending Palin. The McCain campaign has themselves created the monster that brought about their defeat. But the monster that is Palin has become greater than Palin herself. The people who have identified and connected Palin have done so on the level of the values they perceive to share. These people thus equate an attack on Palin as an attack on their values so no matter what facts that disqualifies Palin surfaces these people will only hang on tighter to their belief in her. What is sad is that this perception of shared value between these voters and Sarah Palin is a manufactured fraud on one end. I'm sure you can guess which end. None the less, these lemming voters need to exercise independent thoughts if they are to find salvation from their own ignorance. The American well being can no longer afford to be held hostage by the ignorance of these people, as it has been in the past 8 years.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Finally, after a 43 hit combo

Polls show that the first post-racial president has been overwhelmingly voted in by a generation of nerds and dweebs who are deftly able to intelligently frame everything in the context of classic arcade hits.

Ahhhhh, yes. Progress. Change is here?

Time for Republicans to go Retro and be the Republicans They Once Were

Identity Crisis

Ahhh yes. Churchill was ever wise to note that Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, only after they've exhausted all other options.

The election wasn't as bad as it could have been for the republicans. Let's face it, objectively, even the die hard liberals will tell you a democratic president plus 60 democrats in the senate is just too much power for any single party to wield. But if we consider the trend since 2006, it is obvious that the ideological base of the radical right is losing its grip. The very selection of John McCain was proof positive for me that the republican party is suffering from a severe case of identity crisis. How did the conservative party double our debt and end up with a bigger government than ever?

Unless Obama messes up real bad, the republicans will have to reinvent themselves by returning to their true values: small government, fiscal responsibility, minimalistic foreign policy, and strict constitutionalism. In my eyes, Ron Paul should be the future of what the republicans should strive to become because that's how the majority of America is: socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Tolerance on social issues should be flexible and adaptable to a progressive society. The public in general should not be too concerned about foreign policy unless it concerns a threat to America. Fiscal responsibility is a no brainer: borrow and spend just doesn't work if you don't generate the revenue to fund your debts. And constitutional issues should be debated publicly and voted on in the supreme courts.

But Obama won't mess up like Clinton did in his first year by trying to go too liberal. Obama's too smart and will rule in the center. What will hurt him is that in order to restore American primacy, we would have to sacrifice first, and I don't believe the American people are patient enough to wait first, sacrifice now, to reap the benefits later. But in my heart of hearts, I hope I am proven wrong.

/Facepalm of the Week

Africa is not a country you tard

You have to watch this. Now that the election is over, I love how stuff is coming out about Palin. Fox news is distancing themselves.

And, did O'reilly say that a Vice Presidential candidate can be prepped for knowledge she should already know??! I also love at the end how O'reilly says this is good reporting.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One More Before Tomorrow

Texas, explains a lot

The American campaign season lasts almost 2 years. Why does the the longest political race in the world conclude with only a single day of general voting? It should be at least a couple of days? Keeping up with the candidates to remain informed on the issues is a part time job for most citizens who already have full time jobs. We need more than just 1 day of voting to get all the informed voters into the booth to cancel out all the dumb people that vote. Can you believe 23% of Texas still believe that Obama is Muslim? Omg, typing that last sentence got me so upset I can't finish this post.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Haha, Punk'd


Wow, even when you think you're talking to another head of state, you still sound like you are just reading from a list of memorized talking points.

Nice outfit by the way, I like that shade of blue.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

People Who Should Go Away

Really? Are you serious?

You are a joke. How do you take yourself seriously? Please go away.

2 Hours and 36 Minutes

Worth the wait

I voted in-person absentee this morning. Three more days.

Kiss of Death

You don't know Dick

Knowing what the public thinks of you, you have to have quite an ego to be Dick Cheney and think your endorsement would mean something. Then again, it makes sense because Dick Cheney doesn't care what the public thinks.

Even Bush has enough brains to stay out of the public eye these last couple days of the campaign.

OR perhaps, knowing his endorsement would seal the fate for the other candidate, Dick Cheney is really throwing his weight behind Obama. I wouldn't put it past him, he's just that twisted.