I was very angry with the government financial bailout that will end up costing the tax payers well over a trillion dollar. It is no surprise that I am equally upset that the big 3 auto companies fly down to Washington in their corporate private jets to beg congress for a bailout. What is wrong with these people? I have a few ideas.
1. Short memories.
Need I remind you that you spend years lobbying against the interest of the American people. How much money did you pour into lobbying against stricter emissions control? How much money did you pour into lobbying against higher fuel efficiency standards? What do you mean you don't remember that it was your own actions that led to your current predicament?
2. No shame.
Have you no dignity? Have you no shame? Do not frame this issue as essential to saving the common American blue collar worker. Your pretense in the interest of the American people is disingenuous and disgusting. Were you looking out for their interests when you continually lobbied against emission control and fuel efficiency? Oh right, you were making bigger cars because gas was cheap and you were trying to squeeze every penny out of what's left out there before you change for the better. I don't see the plant workers of the Toyota, Honda, Hyundai plants in this country complaining? Gee, I wonder why.
3. Arrogance.
And please, don't claim ignorance, we've known about this since the oil shock of the 70's. I watched you arrogantly testify before congress that this mess is not a fault of yours to bare. The world watched you testify before congress and make a fool of yourself.. You could, in the least, demonstrate some humility.
3. Stupidity.
Look at the trends: Suez, the 1970s, Gulf War I, Gulf War II. Haven't you learned anything from history? No of course not, you were too busy making a buck at the expense of the public.