Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Time for Republicans to go Retro and be the Republicans They Once Were
Ahhh yes. Churchill was ever wise to note that Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, only after they've exhausted all other options.
The election wasn't as bad as it could have been for the republicans. Let's face it, objectively, even the die hard liberals will tell you a democratic president plus 60 democrats in the senate is just too much power for any single party to wield. But if we consider the trend since 2006, it is obvious that the ideological base of the radical right is losing its grip. The very selection of John McCain was proof positive for me that the republican party is suffering from a severe case of identity crisis. How did the conservative party double our debt and end up with a bigger government than ever?
Unless Obama messes up real bad, the republicans will have to reinvent themselves by returning to their true values: small government, fiscal responsibility, minimalistic foreign policy, and strict constitutionalism. In my eyes, Ron Paul should be the future of what the republicans should strive to become because that's how the majority of America is: socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Tolerance on social issues should be flexible and adaptable to a progressive society. The public in general should not be too concerned about foreign policy unless it concerns a threat to America. Fiscal responsibility is a no brainer: borrow and spend just doesn't work if you don't generate the revenue to fund your debts. And constitutional issues should be debated publicly and voted on in the supreme courts.
But Obama won't mess up like Clinton did in his first year by trying to go too liberal. Obama's too smart and will rule in the center. What will hurt him is that in order to restore American primacy, we would have to sacrifice first, and I don't believe the American people are patient enough to wait first, sacrifice now, to reap the benefits later. But in my heart of hearts, I hope I am proven wrong.