Saturday, November 8, 2008
When the Ship Sinks, the Rats run for the Lifeboats
Now that the historic implications of Obama's ascension to the presidency is clearly reflected by an inspired and moved public, those that who campaigned most negatively against him are now cheering him along as his most enthusiastic cheerleaders. These people, namely Palin, Kristol, Bachmann, Lierberman, Rove, Fox News, demonstrate their complete detachment from reality by talking from their mouths as if they've forgotten that they've said the complete opposite out of their asses just weeks before. What more proof do we need that these people are not public figures interested in the public good, but rather propagandists interested in advocating for nothing but their self interests? Have these people no shame and no dignity?
McCain's concession speech is another example of this simultaneously walking both ways of a two way street nonsense. He displayed the grace and poise that the 2000 McCain commanded as a maverick. The McCain on that podium was not the same McCain that I got to know during this campaign. So which one is the real one? The one I would've voted for had he been the one to run against Gore in 2000? Or the recklessly ambitious one who sold his dignity in an all out, anything goes, effort to win the presidency?