Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Power Corrupts


At 84, Stevens is currently the oldest and longest serving senator in the Senate. At some point early on, I imagine, he was an idealistic young man who found the idea of public service appealing. Admirable, yes, and worthy of praise. But I never met that idealistic young man. The only Stevens I have ever known is the angry old man who, with his definition of the internet as a series of tubes, is clearly out of touch with the current generation. That, however, was not enough reason for me to judge a man I do not know. It turns out that I didn't have to pass judgment - a court of law did that for me, convicting him of failing to report gifts he took; gifts that were probably used to buy favors for his friends. I don't feel bad for him. I don't think anyone will. He's served the state of Alaska for so long, I would not be surprised if he received a pardon from Bush. He definitely won't be serving any jail time, that's for sure.

The lesson? Power corrupts. He was in the Senate too long. So long that the once idealistic young man I imagine him to be has long departed and left only the man that was convicted in court. You can tell he was in power for too long because his testimony at his trial was that of a man who had a sense of entitlement that only a man corrupt by power could feel. At first, I considered making this post a People Who Should go Away. I thought that was too harsh and considered it for the /Facepalm of the week. But then I realized that I wasn't angry at him like I usually would be. Instead, I felt sorry for him. Perhaps its because I worry for my own future. Will my capacity and desire to do good be compromised by the power I will have to yield in order to serve the public? Is it an inevitable catch-22 situation? It probably be best to just aspire for bureaucratic positions and avoid public offices all together.

Anyway, this is relevant because the Democrats are eying 60 in the Senate and it worries me. As I mentioned, I will continue to hope for change, but only up to the point where I will not be devastated if that change doesn't come.

Monday, October 27, 2008

People Who should Not Go Away

I talk good

Watch this exchange and you will understand why this guy is awesome. He might lighten up on the sarcasm, but it's always great to see someone go toe to toe with those raving lunatics they call anchors on that channel.

On that note, I think any fair and balanced person would know that Fox's Rovian repetition that they are fair and balanced is a complete farce. Fox is news in the same way that pro wrestling is a sport: the conclusions are predetermined and but a lot of showmanship is put in to try to convince you otherwise. That's why we call it sports entertainment. There should be a category of news entertainment exclusively for Fox. How do these people sleep at night?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's all part of the plannnnnnnn

What would America look like when the millions and millions of Obamaniacs run wild on you? Would it usher in a post-racial, post-partisan era of politics? Would the actual change that occurs resonate the hope that candidate Obama embodies? Better yet, what if no change occurs at all and it's just politics as usual: same nonsense, different party.

I, too, am hopeful for change. But I remain skeptical. Obama is still human and he is still a professional politician. If anything, I am never surprised by a politician's capacity to disappoint. If the changes that I want do come, I will of course embrace it. If it does not, I would not be surprised.

What about a landslide victory? Republicans are bracing for it. If does happen, Obama can indeed become the transformational figure that Powell hopes for. What if 60 democrats, riding on the popular coattail of Obama, get elected into the senate? What guarantees do we have that democrats can fare better? The damages done by the neocon ideology has finally come to temporary halt, but no matter who's in power, we're still facing the same problems that we face this very moment. In the same situation as the republicans, who's to say that the democrats won't become drunk on power?

I guess the message is this: whatever happens, we will do ourselves and our fellow man a service if we stay smart, stay informed, and stay skeptical. Obama should not get a free pass just because he's a superior alternative to past and present options.

People Who Should Go Away


While as a person I'm sure Senator Lieberman is as nice as they come, as a politician he's about as honorless as they come.

2 years ago.

2 years later.


Sir, you disgust me. Please go away.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

End Game

Oops, sorry I was wrong
But it's ok, I have no accountability to worry about

I don't know about you, but for me, it was a little surreal to witness the former Federal Reserves chair person admit that he was wrong. He was so revered that I even thought I was crazy for disagreeing with him. But now I know I wasn't crazy for thinking that a system fueled by greed can self regulate itself. In fact, this man has to be completely out of touch with reality to have thought that greedy people know when to say no.

Regardless, at his prime, this man was an untouchable economic guru. Watching his downfall signaled an end to an era. In fact, his admission of guilt is the official nail in the coffin for me. Not since the end of the Cold War has history seen such a dramatic conclusion to an ideology.

Bill Clinton, for all his faults, steered the country right. We were an example for others and our example solidified our victory in the battle over ideology during the Cold War. That victory was hijacked over the past 8 years. In less than 12 weeks, I hope we get back on track.

/Facepalm of the Week

OMG! I want attention!

Someone tell me the thought process behind her thinking that motivated her to do what she did, because I just don't get it. Then I saw this picture and it made some sense.

EDIT: The flip side.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear Mrs. McCarthy

How about we investigate you for being stupid?

It's been a while. I apologize. Things have been hectic as of late.

First thing's first... /FACEPALM OF THE WEEK!

Wow. Just wow. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this, but I could have sworn that was Ann Coulter. It can't be a coincidence that all these radical, right wing crazy women have the same blank, vacant stares which signal that there's really no one home upstairs. Investigate Americans for pro or anti-American activities? Please impeach this woman.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Seriously. Really?

America, the beautiful

Apparently, McCain has his limits. Some woman at a town hall meeting prefaced her question with, "I don't trust Obama. I have read about him. He's an Arab." Really? You read that? You need to read something other than Fox News, lady.

McCain had to take the mic out of her hands to say, "No ma'am. He's a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements."

At the same town hall meeting, McCain said that people should not be afraid of a President Obama. It was greeted with boos and more shouts of hatred.

There are 2 possibilities. McCain took a long hard look in the mirror and realized what he has become. Or his handlers have told him that going negative is costing him more votes. Perhaps its a combination of both. But in the end, you reap what you sow. This hate filled crowd is a product of his own doing. I mentioned before that this tactic is fundamentally unAmerican and detrimental to democracy and I will say it again.

I think with some time, I can forgive McCain for being a politician. I don't think I can forgive the American people for being stupid. To think that there are still people out there dumb enough to buy into this whole notion that Obama is a Muslim terrorist is really beyond me. You certainly have the right to live your life as you please, but when you live your life in such an irresponsible manner that it'll affect the future of this country vis-a-vis your vote, you have to be called out for being a dumba#$. Lady, I hope you see yourself on national TV, realize how dumb you are, and change your ways.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Palin's Patriotism

Mustaches are patriotic

I don't necessarily like Friedman. I think he overstates the obvious sometimes. But on this, I do agree with him.


Super Troopergate

Nice try. Now let's see what you are trying to hide.

Keeping Expectations Low as not to be Disappointed

Camacho/Supreme '08

As much as I want to believe that Obama wants to make a difference, I just know that he'll eventually disappoint. On top of repairing the damages from the past 8 years of neglect, the next administration will face a whole host of economic and international that will come in the next 4 years. There's just too much to do and people will have to be disappointed for real progress to be made.

CNN as described the culminating perils as a "perfect storm". Let's look at the progression: 9/11, Iraq (and everything that comes with it), usurp of VP powers, domestic phone taps, Guantanamo, global warming, Katrina, Justice Department, 10 trillion deficit, Iran, rising Russian influence, oil prices, economic crisis, and I'm sure there are more that are not coming to me at the moment. There's no way a single person get fix all this in a way that can live up to the hype Obama is promoting.

The one ticket that can save us, the Stewart/Colbert ticket, is unelectable. The other ticket that can save us, the Camacho/Supreme ticket, does not exist.

One thing is for certain, don't buy into this whole tax cut nonsense. It doesn't matter who the next president is, taxes are going up. This has to be the sacrifice that this generation of Americans have to assume the responsibility for. Our 10 trillion debt is tied into every current and future problem that the United States is facing. Our consumer tendencies have to be put aside for now so that we do not pass this burden onto the following generations.

Don't Panic! China to Save Capitalism

Ni Hao

The Dow closed below 9,000. We've socialized the credit industry and are now looking to socialize the banking industry all together. But don't worry! China will save capitalism!

Chinese authorities have also announced plans to save democracy should the McCain/Palin ticket win the U.S. presidential elections in November this fall.


I disagree with mob justice, but they're really asking for it

Yay! The American people bailed us out! Now we can resume our coconut butter skin treatments!

What a bunch of crooks. This is totally unethical.


President Camacho will save us all

I once considered McCain an honorable man, but I have now lost all the respect I had for him. I had thought him a patriot and a true maverick, but his increasingly negative campaign that focuses solely on smear and mud flinging has exposed his true identity as a politician. What happened to the promises of running a respectable campaign? The tactics of guilt by association and obvious attempt to foment further misunderstanding over Obama's identity is unamerican and detrimental to the democratic process.

I mean, just look at the base McCain's appealing to. I can't believe these people take themselves seriously. The right is making it easy for people to stereotype them for their hate mongering. I hope after the election is over, not matter the result, McCain will take a long, sobering look at himself in the mirror and ask himself if all this was worth the man he sees in front of him. Unless, of course, he was like this all along. It would be my fault, then, for thinking I saw any glimmer of sincerity in the one time maverick.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Vanity, it gets them every time

Someone make sense for me this need that the American people have to have their elected officials be someone just like them. Bush won two terms on his ability to portray himself as a regular guy who you just want to have a beer with. While I understand that the principles of representative government is at play, I think the American people are taking it too literally. Representative government is intended for officials to represent the interests of the constituents. It is not for officials to represent the intelligence of the constituents.

So then what is it? Is it vanity? Have Americans become so vain that anyone perceived as being more qualified or more intellectual have to attacked as elitist? Do we not need leaders more capable than ourselves for our country to stay ahead of the curve?

Palin represents a continuation of this mentality. The fact that the republican campaign has embraced this tactic after 8 years of Bush makes me question their judgment. What is even sadder is that after 8 years people are still able to be manipulated into thinking that having a leader you can relate to is the single qualifying factor in a presidential election. Between her prime time interviews and the political motivation behind her selection as the vice presidential candidate, any person of sound judgment has to conclude that she does not qualify to hold this office.

I can't help but to think of the movie the Devil's Advocate with Pacino and Reeves. Even when given a second chance to make the right decision, the devil, by playing to man's vanity, still "gets them every time."

Friday, October 3, 2008

Humor break

Every now and then, I like to take a break from being angry about politics to laughing at politics.

More Spin

Please stop, my head hurts

Oh, so you only "suspended" your campaign in a drama queen fashion to "rush" back to D.C. last week not to inject presidential politics into this debate. The 2000 McCain I know would kick your a*# for such hypocrisy.

Facepalm of the Week

Spin! Spin! Spin!

Yes, because asking about your views on issues relevant to our country is missing an opportunity. Because asking questions about your background when you've "only been at it for 5 weeks" characterizes those questions as attacks. You're dumb. Go away.

Socialist Revolution is Complete

Wall Street before country

The bill passed in the house. How did we get more republicans on board to support this modified bill? We greased it with pork.

Transfer of public money to private sector? Check.

Transfer of private debt to public sector? Check.

Social safety net for the rich COMPLETE.

In this country, we have bought the stigma that any socialism is bad. I'm very upset that we don't embrace socialism that is good. Universal education? Universal health care? We don't come down on progressive European nations that implement these policies. Why do we, instead, embrace bad socialism? The elites who exploited the mentality that socialism is bad have already made off with the bank. This is the biggest heist in American history and no one responsible will be held accountable. How typical.

Palin Debate Methodology 101

You can almost hear the gears grinding

Thanks, Adennak.

Yes, Biden won. But it's sad that just doing "ok" is considered a win for Palin too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Well, You're Angry Today

I know how you feel

If you watched last night's and tonight's installment of The Daily Show, you might have noticed something you don't see very often. Jon got angry. It's subtle, but towards the end of that bit, you could tell there was genuine anger beneath the humor. Even the guest, Bill Mahr, comes on with, "Well, you're angry today."

This evening, Jon showed the same subtle anger when he talked about the disingenuous of politics today; the same thing I was just ranting about in the last post. Seeing him angry about these things makes me all the more upset about it as well. The times must be dire if the usual go guy for laughs over the absurdities of politics is letting anger seep through his humor.

He cited 2 examples. The first was Palin's stance on abortion. She's a strict pro-life advocate who thinks abortion is illegal even in cases of rape and incest. When pressed by Couric on this question, she said she will "counsel" people to choose life as if the victim will have a choice when Palin wants to illegalize abortions. CAN YOU JUST SAY WHAT YOU F@*KING MEAN?

The second example referred to something McCain said during the republican convention, how he will pick judges that will be strict constitutionalists who will not legislate from the bench. The crowd cheered of course because they understand that to be code for: over turning Roe vs. Wade and banning gay marriages. SO THEN WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SAY WHAT YOU F@*KING MEAN?

I hate this disingenuous dance that politicians do with words to straddle definitions and escape accountability through technicalities. What happened to being motivated by selflessness and honor? What happened to just taking a stance, admitting when you are wrong and assuming responsibility for the consequences.? I criticize these people for being crazy but perhaps I am really the crazy one because I think things ought to be done differently. At what point does my idealism become naivety?

I'm sick of this election cycle. They really need to consider a law that limits people the time they are allowed to campaign for the presidency.

Would Palin Even Qualify as a Staffer?

In the distant future, the year 2000, McCain will once again be a model politician

Vice presidential debates are tomorrow. While her recent interviews have proven how her knowledge on key issues lack depth, I agree with the assessment that Palin will do just fine in her showdown with Senator Biden. Palin is a proven spokesperson. By that I mean if given a set of talking points and punch lines, she'll deliver with style. But if she's asked for her own analysis like on her interview with Gibson and Couric, she will struggle to weave together loose thoughts that form incoherent sentences.

That said, the format of Thursday's debate will not require Palin to stray too far off her talking points. Therefore, Palin will appear confident, likable, and stand her ground against Biden. Unfortunately, her dismal performance on interviews with network anchors has set expectations so low for her that all she has to do is swing for par and her base will be able to spin a victory for her.

I just want to further express my disappointment with Palin in practical terms. If I was interviewing with John McCain to be a simple staffer on either his economic or foreign policy team, I would not be hired if I responded with Palin's answers - NO ONE WOULD. I find it tremendously disingenuous that McCain continues to laud her qualifications to be vice president, and by default, president of the United States. The 2008, politics first, McCain is a mere shadow of the 2000, country first, McCain that I admired.

If the disastrous possibility that a McCain/Palin victory should unfold, I will still hold out hope that McCain will return to his maverick self. I hope that McCain will just say, "F@*k you guys, I did what I had to do to get elected, now I will go back to being me and get sh*t done."

Your Dirty Sex Makes God Send Hurricanes!

We'll do it live

Haha, this bit made me laugh. It will make you laugh too.

While we're on the topic of Fox News, here's more of their fair and balanced malarkey. How do these people sleep at night? On a bed made of money.