Thursday, October 9, 2008
I once considered McCain an honorable man, but I have now lost all the respect I had for him. I had thought him a patriot and a true maverick, but his increasingly negative campaign that focuses solely on smear and mud flinging has exposed his true identity as a politician. What happened to the promises of running a respectable campaign? The tactics of guilt by association and obvious attempt to foment further misunderstanding over Obama's identity is unamerican and detrimental to the democratic process.
I mean, just look at the base McCain's appealing to. I can't believe these people take themselves seriously. The right is making it easy for people to stereotype them for their hate mongering. I hope after the election is over, not matter the result, McCain will take a long, sobering look at himself in the mirror and ask himself if all this was worth the man he sees in front of him. Unless, of course, he was like this all along. It would be my fault, then, for thinking I saw any glimmer of sincerity in the one time maverick.