What would America look like when the millions and millions of Obamaniacs run wild on you? Would it usher in a post-racial, post-partisan era of politics? Would the actual change that occurs resonate the hope that candidate Obama embodies? Better yet, what if no change occurs at all and it's just politics as usual: same nonsense, different party.
I, too, am hopeful for change. But I remain skeptical. Obama is still human and he is still a professional politician. If anything, I am never surprised by a politician's capacity to disappoint. If the changes that I want do come, I will of course embrace it. If it does not, I would not be surprised.
What about a landslide victory? Republicans are bracing for it. If does happen, Obama can indeed become the transformational figure that Powell hopes for. What if 60 democrats, riding on the popular coattail of Obama, get elected into the senate? What guarantees do we have that democrats can fare better? The damages done by the neocon ideology has finally come to temporary halt, but no matter who's in power, we're still facing the same problems that we face this very moment. In the same situation as the republicans, who's to say that the democrats won't become drunk on power?
I guess the message is this: whatever happens, we will do ourselves and our fellow man a service if we stay smart, stay informed, and stay skeptical. Obama should not get a free pass just because he's a superior alternative to past and present options.