America, the beautiful
Apparently, McCain has his limits. Some woman at a town hall meeting prefaced her question with, "I don't trust Obama. I have read about him. He's an Arab." Really? You read that? You need to read something other than Fox News, lady.
McCain had to take the mic out of her hands to say, "No ma'am. He's a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements."
At the same town hall meeting, McCain said that people should not be afraid of a President Obama. It was greeted with boos and more shouts of hatred.
There are 2 possibilities. McCain took a long hard look in the mirror and realized what he has become. Or his handlers have told him that going negative is costing him more votes. Perhaps its a combination of both. But in the end, you reap what you sow. This hate filled crowd is a product of his own doing. I mentioned before that this tactic is fundamentally unAmerican and detrimental to democracy and I will say it again.
I think with some time, I can forgive McCain for being a politician. I don't think I can forgive the American people for being stupid. To think that there are still people out there dumb enough to buy into this whole notion that Obama is a Muslim terrorist is really beyond me. You certainly have the right to live your life as you please, but when you live your life in such an irresponsible manner that it'll affect the future of this country vis-a-vis your vote, you have to be called out for being a dumba#$. Lady, I hope you see yourself on national TV, realize how dumb you are, and change your ways.
Apparently, McCain has his limits. Some woman at a town hall meeting prefaced her question with, "I don't trust Obama. I have read about him. He's an Arab." Really? You read that? You need to read something other than Fox News, lady.
McCain had to take the mic out of her hands to say, "No ma'am. He's a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements."
At the same town hall meeting, McCain said that people should not be afraid of a President Obama. It was greeted with boos and more shouts of hatred.
There are 2 possibilities. McCain took a long hard look in the mirror and realized what he has become. Or his handlers have told him that going negative is costing him more votes. Perhaps its a combination of both. But in the end, you reap what you sow. This hate filled crowd is a product of his own doing. I mentioned before that this tactic is fundamentally unAmerican and detrimental to democracy and I will say it again.
I think with some time, I can forgive McCain for being a politician. I don't think I can forgive the American people for being stupid. To think that there are still people out there dumb enough to buy into this whole notion that Obama is a Muslim terrorist is really beyond me. You certainly have the right to live your life as you please, but when you live your life in such an irresponsible manner that it'll affect the future of this country vis-a-vis your vote, you have to be called out for being a dumba#$. Lady, I hope you see yourself on national TV, realize how dumb you are, and change your ways.